Onboard Marine sees it as crucial to operate in a sustainable manner. That’s not big news in itself – every company worth its salt should feel the same. Where we stand out perhaps is the way we achieve these goals.
Firstly, we try to reuse as many parts and components as we can during refit projects. Parts that do have to be replaced are collected and separated as much as possible. For instance, stainless steel connections are removed from hydraulic hoses and the hoses themselves are deposited as chemical waste. The same goes for electronic components as we separate the cables from the hardware. Our production facility has its own environmental separation station, with dedicated areas for cardboard and paper, wood, stainless steel, aluminium, steel (empty cans and canisters), rubber hoses, oil and more. This reflects our conviction that we should leave the cleanest possible world for our children, our grandchildren and beyond.

The right partners
Together with our partners MUIR and Nautical Structures, we are constantly looking for ways
to enhance our responsible production. Why ship large-scale constructions over the world’s
oceans when we can produce them right here in Bolsward? This is just one of many ways in
which we reduce our ecological footprint.

And we give back
Onboard Marine recently started giving back to our future – the children and grandchildren of our
staff and clients – by donating a percentage of our profit from each project to buying trees.
Although the short-term results are limited – trees take time to grow – they should bearfruit for the generations to come.
To us this isn’t just a gesture, it’s what we believe in.